Grande-Bretagne Colonies Administration

Bruce, J. ., Walrond, T. ., & Stanley, A. P. (1873). Letters and Journals of James, Eighth Earl of Elgin, Governor of Jamaica, Governor-general of Canada, Envoy to China, Viceroy of India (p. xii, 467 p.; 23 cm). London, Engl. : John Murray, 1872.
Todd, A. . (1880). Parliamentary Government in the British Colonies (p. xii, 607 p.; 23 cm). Boston : Little, Brown, and Company, 1880.
Corbett, P. E., & Smith, H. A. (1928). Canada and World Politics, a Study of the Constitutional and International Relations of the British Empire (p. xvi, 244 p.; 23 cm). London : Faber & Gwyer, 1928.