The Manitoba School Question: Being a Compilation of the Legislation, the Legal Proceedings, the Proceedings Before the Governor-general-in-council. An Historical Account of the Red River Outbreak in 1869 and 1870, Its Causes, and Its Success

Année de publication
Toronto : Copp Clark, 1894
Description matérielle
viii, 401 p.; 22 cm
Titre complet : The Manitoba School Question: Being a Compilation of the Legislation, the Legal Proceedings, the Proceedings Before the Governor-general-in-council. An Historical Account of the Red River Outbreak in 1869 and 1870, Its Causes, and Its Success as Shewn in the Treaty, the Manitoba Act and a Short Summary of Protestant Promises. Annotations. Signature : Lionel Groulx, ptré. A appartenu à Lionel Groulx.
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