@book{8316, keywords = {Écoles séparées Ontario, Écoles séparées, Question des}, author = {Egerton Ryerson and Jean-Marie Bruyère}, title = {Controversy Between Dr. Ryerson, Chief Superintendent of Education in Upper Canada and Rev. J.M. Bruyere, Rector of St. Michael’s Cathedral, Toronto. On the Appropriation of the Clergy Reserves Funds : Free Schools Vs. State Schools}, year = {1857}, pages = {108 p.}, publisher = {Toronto : Leader and Patriot Steam-Press Print, 1857}, note = {Titre de couverture : Controversy between Dr. Ryerson, chief superintendent of education in Upper Canada, and Rev. J.M. Bruyère, rector of St. Michael's Cathedral, Toronto, on the appropriation of the clergy reserves funds : free schools vs. state schools, public libraries and common schools, attacked and defended, Rev. J.M. Bruyère for the prosecution, Dr. Ryerson for the defence ; to which is appended a letter from the Right Rev. Dr. Pinsoneault, Bishop of London, C.W., to Rev. J.M. Bruyère, on the subject of the late controversy with Dr. Ryerson). Signature : Lionel Groulx ptrê.}, }