@book{5623, keywords = {Nouvelle-France Histoire Jusqu’à 1763, Canada Histoire 1763-1791, Canada Histoire 1791-1841}, author = {Stanley Bréhaut Ryerson}, title = {The Founding of Canada: Beginnings to 1815}, year = {1963}, edition = {New [i.e. 2d] ed.}, pages = {viii, 358 p. : ill., cartes, fac-sim.; 21 cm}, publisher = {Toronto : Progress Books, 1963, c. 1960}, note = {Fonds Raoul Roy. Suivi de : Unequal Union: Confederation and the Roots of Conflict in the Canadas, 1815-1873. Bibliogr. : p. [332]-348. Comprend un index : pp. [349]-358.}, language = {eng}, }